Moscow Mule Mug | 20oz Hammered
The Moscow Mule has long been a beloved cocktail traditionally served in a copper mug. The stainless steel and copper plated body helps to keep your drinks colder for longer, while the brass handle makes the mug easy to hold and gives it an antique charm. And the stainless steel interior makes the cup completely food-safe.

Although the mug was originally dubbed for the Moscow Mule drink, it is suitable for any icy drink alcoholic or non-alcoholic, anything will do.

Moscow Mule Recipe:
1. 1 1/4 ounces of vodka
2. 1/2 ounce lime juice
3. 1 tsp sugar syrup
4. 5 ounces of ginger beer
5. sprig of mint
6. 1 slice lime

In a copper mug, pour vodka over ice. Add sugar syrup and lime juice. Top with ginger beer and stir. Garnish with mint sprig and lime slice.
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