Welcome to your new registry!

Following are steps to take to setup your registry.

First, if you are a new customer, click here to create your account with some basic information & where your order confirmations will be sent.

If you are already a customer please log in before you can setup your registry.

Once you are logged in you will need to click on the "Registry" link at the top of the page. This link will appear once you're logged in.

Here you will be able to setup your very own registry!

Steps to create your registry:

  1. Click on the "Add Registry" button.
  2. Fill in the first & last Co-Registrant name, the "Occasion Date", and choose the occasion from the drop-down box.
  3. Click the "Continue" button and the first step of your registry is made. You will see your name listed on the Registry page. (Click on your registry name if you need to edit anything.)
  4. To the right of your registry name you will see the text link under the "Registry Mode" column. Click this link to put you into "registry mode" and you will see a link at the top that says "You're in registry mode ... Click here to leave the registry mode". This "registry mode" allows you, the registry owner, to put items into your registry.
  5. Start shopping!
  6. When you click on a product you will see an "Add to Registry" button & a box next to it for the amount. You can set the amount here or you can change it later. After you have added your product to the registry you can continue shopping untill all your products are added.

If you would like to purchase from the store as a customer just click the link at the top that says "You're in registry mode ... Click here to leave the registry mode".

Finally, you will tell your friends and family about your new gift registry. Then you can relax and spend some time with the very people who will be buying you gifts.

That's all there is to it!

Enjoy your new registry!
1062 - Duplicate entry 'c4lbf01tomde1mbvinnnnbtl6f' for key 'PRIMARY'

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